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American Politics Workshop with Jessica Trounstine

January 29, 2018 @ 12:00 am

American Politics Workshop with Jessica Trounstine

DateJanuary 26, 2015

Time3:00pm to 4:30pm

4357 Bunche Hall

Contact Information
Belinda SunnuPhone bsunnu@polisci.ucla.edu

Presenter:Jessica Trounstine, UC MercedTitle: “In it Together: The Segregation of Public Goods”Abstract:Research has made clear that among the major contributors to persistent inequality are the shackles (and privileges) that residential location bestows.  The neighborhood and city in which one lives determine access to quality housing, employment, and networks; and they determine access to a range of public goods, such as effective police protection, strong public schools, clean parks, reliable sewer and water systems, and even public health. Because America remains a highly segregated nation, the quality of public benefits experienced by racial and ethnic minorities is vastly poorer that the quality of benefits experienced by whites.  Residential segregation allows governments to disinvest in minority communities and produces segregation in access to public goods.  In this presentation I explore some of the political consequences of racial segregation and discuss the ways in which distributional politics contribute to residential isolation in metropolitan regions.Paper:Click here to download.

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January 29, 2018
12:00 am


January 29, 2018
12:00 am